Joint Injections

What is it?

A joint injection is when a anti-inflammatory medication called steroid and a local anaesthetic are injected into a joint (eg: shoulder) to help reduce pain and inflammation in that joint. 

Examples of when a steroid joint infection may be helpful are with conditions such as: arthritis, frozen shoulder, bursitis and many more. For more information about joint injections



How do I book to have a joint injection?

It is important that you have had a full discussion with your GP before deciding on whether a steroid joint injection would be the next best treatment. 

The GPs that can do steroid joint injections are:

Dr Nicky Blackwell - shoulder & knee

Dr Eilis McKechanie - shoulder & knee

Dr Niamh Soraghan - shoulder & knee

Im not sure if I need a steroid injection...

Its important to discuss management of your painful joint with your GP. They will be able to advise you about whether a steroid injection may benefit you.

My painful joint isn't on the list above what should I do?

Some joints require ultrasound guidance to inject or a more specialist doctor who injects that type of joint much more frequently. Speak to your GP and they will be able to advise you.