Muscle & Joint problem

We have a regular Physiotherapist, Nikki Dal who works at the Practice on Tuesday and Friday mornings.  Please ask for an appointment with Nikki if you have muscle or joint problems. 

Muscle & Joint problems are one of the most common health problem we all face. Most just need time and self help techniques such as resting, elevating the affected area, applying ice and sometimes applying compression in the form of a bandage. Some injuries can take a long time to start to get better and this can be very frustrating. 

If pain relief is needed for a muscle or joint problem then paracetamol or ibuprofen from the chemist is first line. Sometimes stronger medication is needed and in which case please arrange an appointment with the GP. 

If the pain is continuing to be a problem and you would like to see a physiotherapist, you can self refer to a community NHS physiotherapist by completing this form . Please note this self-referral should be for one problem only and is for routine use.